Sketchbook Dump

Oct 26, 2009@9:40pm

Not much of a dump, I know, but I want to get the wizard pic up before my brother turns in for the night.

*edit: wizard redacted until I fix his eye*

Has it really been over a year since I last posted art? I’ve got enough stuff to replace the current sketch gallery twice over. Now if only I could motivate myself to do it.

Filed under: Sketchwork - Comments (0)


Oct 25, 2009@10:39am

So this is a little outdated, I actually started writing this post in early September but my wordpress installation was so ancient the image uploader wasn’t working anymore. It’s a nice lazy Sunday after a week of vacation, though, so it seemed like a good time to upgrade.


This is a test I wrote up quickly for the collision system in my project. Nothing fancy to look at, you just move the ball around and make it jump and it doesn’t fall out. I toyed with the idea of using a proper physics system like ODE or Bullet to do this, but I don’t actually want a true physics simulation, I’m shooting for something a little tighter since it’s going to be a run n’ gun bullet hell crossover.

I’ve actually got the protagonist’s model in game and replacing the circle, I’ll be uploading a shot of that as soon as I get the running animations done.

Filed under: Games,Muse - Comments (0)