Long time no update

Aug 29, 2009@12:07pm

There are fifty billion excuses I could put up here to explain over half a year of silence. I’ve been busy at work. Aliens ate my work, and then my dog too. I’ve been catatonic since that awesome knife fight with an entire platoon of highly skilled ninjas, which I won, but then walked into a wall immediately afterwards and laid myself out flat. Etc.

…I’m really just lazy

I have been squeezing time in to work on my projects, though, even if I haven’t been writing about them much. The animation tool for my engine is now complete, and looks a little something like this:

As much as I would have liked to have just written a plugin for Blender, it’s API is kinda cumbersome on the animation side of things. So I whipped this together over a few weeks. It works quite well.

I’ve also been experimenting with photorealistic renders in Yafray. I don’t know that I will necessarily ever finish any of them, but it’s been been a nice relaxing break from work.

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